The Life, Times & Confessions of Victor Serge - The Bolsheviks' pet anarchist


Leninists are fond of quoting from the writing of Victor Serge, as a means of getting a libertarian rubber stamp for the actions of the Bolsheviks during the October revolution and the subsequent events. In his keynote article "In defence of October"[1] John Rees uses no less than 8 quotes from Serge's writings within the space of 70 pages. Poor old Lenin only managed to clock up 4 original quotes, while Tony Cliff's dubious interpretation of all these events manages to get more quotes in than one could possibly count. To a certain extent, what the Leninists of today are trying to tell us is that Serge was a practical man, and he knew that the only way for the revolution to succeed was to row in behind the Bolsheviks. So, with this in mind, we take a look at Serge's' autobiography "Memoirs of a Revolutionary".

Anarchism & Environmental Survival


Graham Purchase is one of the most prolific writers in the Australian anarchist movement, and in books such as 'Anarchist Society & its Practical Realisation', has made a serious contribution to the debate on the future of the anarchist movement, and how our ideas can best be put into practice today. Here, we review his latest book, 'Anarchism and Environmental Survival'.

Interview with Czech Anarchist group Solidarita


Kevin Doyle talks to Vadim Barák of the Solidarita organisation in the Czech Republic about the problems and possibilities facing anarchists in the process of rebuilding a revolutionary movement.

Anarchism, socialism & the Culture Novels of Iain M. Banks


IT HAD BEEN some time since I'd read any science fiction when my partner started buying the whole series chronologically. Once I read the first I was hooked. Banks has created a very attractive fictional society, the Culture. That it was instantly attractive and obviously anarchist is, perhaps, more interesting because the main character in Consider Phlebas, Horza, is antagonistic towards it. So, we see the first glimpse of this galactic anarchy through the eyes of one who has chosen to fight it.

  • Consider Phlebas
  • The Player of Games
  • Use of Weapons
  • The State of the Art
  • Excession
  • Inversions

The Militias in the Spanish Revolution - review of The Spanish Civil War by Antony Beevan


A SURPRISING BEST SELLER last year was 'Stalingrad' by the same author. His publishers have obviously re-released this book, first published in 1982, to cash in on this. As you might expect, it is primarily a military history of the Spanish Revolution. But it is a very welcome break from the normal pattern of mainstream military histories of the Spanish Revolution. For the most part these fail to discuss the revolution within the civil war, the thousands of collectives or the role of the anarchists. If they are mentioned, they are usually portrayed as an obstruction to the efficient military pursuit of the war by the republican side.

Madeline Albright egged by Czech anarchists


ON MARCH 6TH two Czech revolutionary anarchists, members of the Solidarita organisation, attacked US State Secretary Madeleine Albright, with eggs to protest against capitalist globalisation driven by transnational financial and trade institutions dominated by US imperialism (IMF, World Bank, World Trade Organisation). In the Czech Republic widespread redundancies have been the result.

3,000 police evict Mexican students after nine month UNAM occupation


SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6TH: Students from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, the largest and historically the most prestigious university in Latin America, were engaged in debate over the slim chances of achieving effective negotiation with the University Council. This was to enable classes to restart after a lengthy strike which had seen the occupation of all the university buildings, the erection of barricades around the campuses and monster marches through the streets of Mexico City.

Anarchism, militarism and civil war - Can you have an anarchist army? - Looking at the Makhnovist Movement


AS ANARCHISTS believe the bosses will resist a revolution, it follows that we accept the need for armed force to defend the revolution. But anarchists also oppose militarism, that includes standing armies controlled by the state with officers who have special privileges like extra rations, better quarters, saluting, etc. So what alternative do anarchists propose? [Greek translation]

USA has 25% of the entire prison population of the world - 2000


IN THE UNITED STATES, in February, the US Prison system incarcerated its two millionth prisoner. This means that the prison population of the USA accounts for 25% of the entire prison population of the world. This figure is even more startling when you discover that the US only accounts for 5% of the global population. The next time you hear someone sing the Star Spangled Banner you should remember that fact and consider that "land of the free and the home of the brave" is in truth neither.

Announcing the Anarchist Platform email list


Regular readers of Workers Solidarity outside Ireland who find they agree with a lot of what we say and have email should consider subscribing to the Anarchist Platform email list. The announcement below which is being widely circulated on the internet explains what the list is and how to join it. (2011 Note - the information here is all out of date and presented because this announcement is of historic interest as it lead to the formation of - see the end for current links).