
Voices Of Republicanism - audio


'Voices of Republicanism' is a documentary on the current state of the Republican movement produced for Through discourse with activists from a wide range of political backgrounds and of varying ages we attempt to provide a small insight into the movement. This is a documentary through the words of people who were there and have seen it, those who still carry the torch of Republicanism and those who have made a break with the movement entirely.

Anti-G8 Info evbening and workshop


Information evening and workshop in Dublins Social Centre on the upcoming Anti-G8 mobilisations in North Eastern Germany.
Do come along!

Consultants: "Gimme, gimme, gimme ... more, more, more"


The greedy consultants are taking advantage of the current crisis in the health system to help line their own pockets. They're not going on strike in solidarity with the nurses' justified industrial action. Instead, they've recognised the opportunity to make the health service unworkable and so increase the pressure on the Health Services Executive (HSE) and the Department of Health to make their new contracts even sweeter and grab some more cash in the process. They're delaying the much needed reforms in the health service and the increases in consultant numbers, that would benefit all of Irish society, for their own selfish reasons.

Public Health not Private Wealth


We all know that the health service is in a terrible state. Elderly patients on trolleys and in chairs for days while they wait for a bed. Operations cancelled, stressed staff, people having to wait years just to see a consultant.

Why? Ireland is now a wealthy country, there is a lot of cash out there. But, as long as the rich and the politicians have their private hospitals, like the Blackrock Clinic and the Bon Secours in Cork, why should they care about what happens to the rest of us?

In Defence of Electoral Apathy


People's apathy, particularly young people's, towards elections is normally presented as some sort of failing in civic responsibility. However, indifference towards the outcomes of elections is actually a sensible position to have - it recognises that the emperor has no clothes.

No Wash protest ends - Hunger strike Begins! (1981)


A second Hunger Strike has begun, with Bobby Sands, who is serving 14 years for possession of a gun, refusing food on Sunday, March 1st. He will be joined later by others, including it is thought, 2 of the previous women hunger strikers from Armagh.

Las Ideas de James Connolly


James Connolly es probablemente la figura más importante en la historia de la izquierda irlandesa. Fue un dirigente de la IWW en los EEUU, pero en Irlanda es más conocido por su rol en la construcción del movimiento sindical irlandés, en su fase sindicalista, y por involucrar al cuerpo de defensa armada del sindicalismo, el Ejército de los Ciudadanos Irlandeses, en la insurrección nacionalista de 1916. Esto dejó tras de sí un legado que, a veces, puede ser reclamado no solamente por todos los partidos de izquierda de Irlanda, sino que además por los partidos nacionalistas Fianna Fáil y Sinn Fein.

Issues of Workers Solidarity in 2007


The issues of Workers Solidarity published in 2007

Workers Solidarity 96 - March/April 2007


The March/April 2007 issue of Workers Solidarity is now online and can be downloaded as a PDF file.

Public Health not Private Wealth
Water Tax:Northern parties united in collusion,
Spring clean shell out of Erris
Your money or your life?
Thats capitalism - WS96
Anarchism and the WSM
Partnership delivers more work for less pay
Thinking about anarchism: Exploitation
Fianna Fail to Perform Miracle of Full Employment
15 Years After the X-Case Bertie Still Lies About Abortion
Sinn Fein Learn to Love the Police
There’s no such thing as a ‘free’ computer

Download the PDF of Workers Solidarity 96

15 Years After the X-Case Bertie Still Lies About Abortion


There will be no change in the law on abortion. A Government spokesman said it had "no plans on the general issue of abortion" despite Bertie Ahern's promise before the last general election that the matter would be addressed.

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