Over 30 years of anarchist writing from Ireland listed under hundreds of topics
Shell to sea benefit with an enormous selection of musical styles - flyer and more info plus more bands to follow
On Friday 1st February Shell Oil will announce their profits for the year (last year they announced that they had made £20 billion). To mark this Shell to Sea in Belfast will be holding a candlelit vigil outside Belfast City Hall to remember the victims of Shell's money grabbing and to ask why they can't afford to send their gas refinery in Mayo offshore.
In response to growing discussion of ‘zero growth’ ideas among some environmentalists, Alan MacSimoin asks Is non-extraction the answer?
In recent years, with climate change dominating headlines regularly, it has become popular among some environmentalists to propose non-extraction of fossil fuels as a viable way to reduce the effects climate change. But if this idea was taken up what would be the result? Less oil & gas being processed means what is available will rise in price. That’s the logic of capitalism. And having to pay even more for home heating and cooking is not going to change the habits of the wealthy but would have a big impact on most of our pockets. Making things even more expensive than they are at present will not exactly endear environmentalists to most people.
There will be a special private screening of 'An Inconvenient Truth' in Dublin for trade union members and supporters.
In het laatste nummer van Workers Solidarity (
http://wsm.ie/story/2829) keken we
naar hoe de oorzaken van klimaatverandering diep ingebed zijn in de economische
en sociale structuren die door de weinige rijken worden gecontroleerd. De
toenemende niveaus van kooldioxide en andere opwarmende gassen die in onze
atmosfeer worden gepompt worden in de eerste plaats veroorzaakt door het
kapitalistische model van 'economische groei' en diens begeleidende vormen van
ellende voor miljoenen op de planeet.
In the last issue of Workers Solidarity we looked at how the causes of climate changes are deeply embedded in the economic and social structures controlled by the rich few. The increasing levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases being pumped into our atmosphere are primarily caused by the capitalist model of 'economic growth' and its accompanying miseries for millions around the planet.
On a day when we all desperately needed a change in the weather, people gathered beside the bunker on wood quay which is the Council offices. A man in a Santa clause hat spoke at us like he was hosting a children’s television program and told us we would await the bells to chime at two o’clock from Christchurch before we would move off for the march.
This is the text of the old 'Environment & Animal Rights' position paper. It was removed at the 2007 National Conference and is kept here for archiving purposes. You can read the current paper 'The Environment'
Shell to Sea public meeting in Dublin