Anarchist movement

World Bank Holiday


Following on from a successful meeting last week where ideas were discussed and progress was made on what we're going to do to give the bankers a Bank Holiday

Genoa is not over!!!


Genoa,July 2001. Hundreds of thousands gather to protest against the G8 Summit. More than six years later, 25 demostrators are still on trial for the events of those days: charged with destruction and looting, they risk 8 to 15 years imprisonment.

Founding of Common Cause - Ontario


On September 29th in Toronto a new Ontario anarchist-communist organization, Common Cause, held our founding conference. Preparation for this founding conference had taken place over several months culminating in a speaking tour of six Ontario cities under the title 'Building a Popular Anarchism'.

Seomra Spraoi launch weekend


Come check it out

Anarchism and Community Organising


Community and grassroots organising are powerful tactics in the toolkit of Anarchism. To clearly answer *how* Anarchists can help to promote grassroots and community organising we must first look at *why* Anarchists should support and engage in community organising in the first place.

Quebec police forced to own up to use of agent provocateurs at summit protest


The day after online footage revealed the presence of police provocateurs at the Montebello SPP summit protest the Quebec police have been forced to admit that the rock wielding men initially confronted for being in the agreed 'family friendly' zone by a union leader were indeed police agents.

Social centres, empty space and anarchism in Dublin audio download


Interview from RTE (Irish state radio) about space in the city and the Seomra Spraoi project which has just opened a new building in Dublin's city centre.

Call Out Against G8 2008 Japan


In July 2008, heads of the states that monopolize two thirds of earth’s
wealth will gather at Toya Lake in Hokkaido Japan. Although the
so-called Group of Eight does not have any legitimate right for deciding
planetary affairs, they have self-appointed themselves world rulers. Thus
the G8 has driven neo-liberal globalization at the same time as
spreading poverty, violence, hatred, segregation, and environmental

PDF: Anarchizm Jest Swietny


Broszura ta jest zbiorem tekstow opublikowanych przez WSM - WORKERS SOLIDARITY MOVEMENT, anarcho- komunistyczna organizacje zakorzenion± w tradycji "platformy ". Wybrane teskty dotycza teori i praktyki anarchizmu w nawiazaniu do uniwersalnych zagadnien jak postrzeganie pojecia wolnosci w spoleczenstwie kapitalistycznym a jej znaczenie w ujêciu anarcho-komunizmu.

Anarchist-Communism and Elections


This article was written back in 2003 and was part of the Chilean discussion on the coming local elections at the time and the way many comrades wanted to dedicate the bulk of our resources (both financial and human) to anti-electoralism. As well, there was a debate as we were starting to run into elections in universities, schools, trade unions and community organisations and some said that anarchists were against voting in any form. Some of the arguments on tactics andprinciples have appeared again recently in the discussions I've had on the issue here in Ireland

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