Seomra Spraoi Fundraiser


Porco Dio Present
Fundraiser for the new Seomra Sprao

Know Your Rights Information Stall


Volunteers needed

Anarchism and the WSM


The Southern general election saw six parties make it to the Dail. Five of them were open to coalition with any of the others, the PDs being willing to share power with anyone except Sinn Fein. They all looked for votes on the basis that they would be better managers of the present system.

An Post Staff to be Dumped in Deregulation?


An Post workers have been on the receiving end of a series of substantial blows which have held down pay rates and undermined rights with regard to status. The late 1970’s and early 1980’s saw strikes and protests by the workers to improve conditions, but recent years have seen management back on the offensive. The latest attack comes in the shape of “deregulation”, just another word for privatisation. If it isn’t stopped it’s going to impact on all of us for the worse.

Chilean Timber Workers Union wins 52% wage rise


The Building and Wood Workers’ International reported, earlier this summer, the end of a strike of more than 7,000 workers against CAC – the largest forestry and pulp producing company in Chile.

The Chilean Timber Workers Union won a raise in wages of 12% for the highest earners and a 52% rise for the lowest earners. All other demands had been met prior to the strike, which was called in response to the company's offer of a 5% raise.

The Palestinian Crisis and the Search for a Road Towards Liberation


On the June 2007 Hamas against Fatah conflict in Palestine, the possibilities of the liberation struggle ahead and the responsibility of the international solidarity movement.  Those who think that they’ll break the will to struggle through black mail, through carrot and stick, through hunger forget the fact that, as very few people in the world, the Palestinian people literally have nothing to lose but their chains.

Public talk -Mexican Grassroots Resistance


Jaquelina Lopez Almazan and Jose Luis Diaz Franco, both members of the APPO-CODEP- Popular Asambly of the Oaxacan People in Mexico will give an acccount of their sttruggle and their fight for justice and freedoom.


Mexican people resist oppression in Oaxaca - Public Talk



The Economy of the Revolution - After the revolution


If we are to envision this world as an improvement over our current one, it will be absolutely necessary to retain the advances made during the industrial, and even more importantly the recent agricultural revolution. To fail to do so would be no less than mass genocide. The productive capacity of the world in terms of food, goods and services is enormous. In order to feed the hungry and cloth the naked, we will need an efficient system of production allocation and distribution.

WSM website blocked by China's rulers


Among the many sites blocked in China is this one.

Such is the fear that the mighty proletarian anarchist movement of Ireland strikes into the hearts of despots everywhere, that the Chinese government have blocked our site, retreated under the kitchen table and are now crying for their mammies.