Voices Of Republicanism - audio


'Voices of Republicanism' is a documentary on the current state of the Republican movement produced for indymedia.ie. Through discourse with activists from a wide range of political backgrounds and of varying ages we attempt to provide a small insight into the movement. This is a documentary through the words of people who were there and have seen it, those who still carry the torch of Republicanism and those who have made a break with the movement entirely.

FAQ's and Info at Blockade : By BLOCK G8 group


check out this pdf

RAG gig


Acoustic gig and benefit, with food.

All you need to know about Camping at G8 2007


See you at the barricades

Welcome Guide for folks going to the G8 in Germany


Below is a timeline of some events

Visit to Polish anarchist bookfair in Poznan


Brief report from 3 of us who went to the anarchist bookfair in Poznan at the start of May

Benefit Gig for Anti-War Protesters


A benefit gig for anti war protesters is being held in the Roddy McCorley Club, West Belfast on Saturday 16th June.

Anti-G8 Info evbening and workshop


Information evening and workshop in Dublins Social Centre on the upcoming Anti-G8 mobilisations in North Eastern Germany.
Do come along!

Consultants: "Gimme, gimme, gimme ... more, more, more"


The greedy consultants are taking advantage of the current crisis in the health system to help line their own pockets. They're not going on strike in solidarity with the nurses' justified industrial action. Instead, they've recognised the opportunity to make the health service unworkable and so increase the pressure on the Health Services Executive (HSE) and the Department of Health to make their new contracts even sweeter and grab some more cash in the process. They're delaying the much needed reforms in the health service and the increases in consultant numbers, that would benefit all of Irish society, for their own selfish reasons.

The politics and reality of the peak oil scare


 Peak Oil Theory has been around since the 1970s. Some think we have already reached 'peak oil', others think it will happen with the next twenty-five years. The theory argues that when we reach 'peak oil' the rate at which we extract oil from the earth (measured in millions of barrels per day) will reach a maximum and thereafter will start to drop.

As the rate at which we use oil is currently close to the rate at which we extract it, the point of peak oil will coincide or be closely followed by the world consuming more oil than it is producing. As oil reserves are very limited, within months there simply will not be enough oil available.