
Muerte Policial en Irlanda


La muerte reciente de Terence Wheelock bajo custodia policial, nos deja ver el trato diferencial que los detenidos de una clase reciben en relación a los de la otra clase.

Perú: Grupo Qhispikay Llaqta


Recuento de las actividades y posiciones de esta naciente agrupación del Perú.

¡Oaxaca Somos Todos!


Toda nuestra solidaridad con el pueblo de Oaxaca en su lucha en contra del corrupto Estado federal

Costa Rica: La Lucha Continúa contra el TLC


Una mirada libertaria sobre la gran lucha del pueblo costarricense en contra del TLC.

Vrijheid en Revolutie : De Russische Revolutie


In 1922 klaagde Emma Goldman dat "Sovjet Rusland het moderne socialistische Lourdes was geworden, waar de blinde en de kreupele, de dove en de stomme samen kwamen voor wonderbaarlijke genezingen."(1) De Russische Revolutie was de eerste gelegenheid waar de revolutionaire ideeën konden worden toegepast in het dagelijkse leven. Wat eerst theorie was, was nu praktijk. De strijd tussen de twee opvattingen der revolutie - de staatscentralisten en de libertarian federalisten - gingen van het abstracte naar het concrete rijk.

After the Israeli - Lebanon war: The New Middle East


Marwa is a ten year old refugee from the village of Marwaheen in the south of Lebanon. Following an Israeli ultimatum Marwa’s family decided to flee. While driving away from the village the Israeli military fired on the pick up truck they were travelling in. Marwa recalls “The wind carried me far away, I woke up on the nearby rocks. Next to me, Mama and Mirna were sleeping. I went to them to wake them up but the plane saw me and came towards me so I ran away. My brother Wissam was hit in his leg and he could not reach me, he was hiding behind a rock and when the ambulance came he was waving to them to stop. Mirna was sleeping the whole time”. Marwa was sent to hospital for treatment for her burns and wounds. Her sister Mirna, 12, her brother Hadi, 5, and her mother Zahra, 51, were all killed (1)

Review: Clandestines: the pirate journals of an Irish Exile'


At this point in time it is a rare and welcome event when a book by an Irish activist is published and rarer still when a book by an Irish anti-capitalist writer receives widespread praise and acclaim. Clandestines: the Pirate journals of an Irish Exile, which has received a slew of positive reviews following it?s publication in the US by AK Press, is just such a rarity, and as it is being launched in Ireland this week means readers here will soon be able to make their own appraisal of the book.

The Importance of the Spanish Revolution


Today a social revolution that took place seventy years ago is remembered by libertarian socialists as an example of how our ideas can work. The Spanish revolution came closer to realising the possibilities of a free stateless society on a huge scale than any other revolution in history. (Image: Anarchist Milita woman during the revolution) 

Anti-Imperalism - Thinking about Anarchism


Imperialism, in its most basic form involves wealthy and powerful governments using their military power to invade poorer parts of the world in order to impose their control upon them. There isn’t the space to go into all aspects of imperialism here, so I’m concentrating on the military form.

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