
James Connolly - A life and a legacy


Revolutionary martyrs, being unable to speak for themselves, are liable to be claimed by all sorts of organisations with whom in real life they would have had little in common. When they are of national or international importance, like the Irish syndicalist James Connolly, this also mean that biographies often tend to be very partisan affairs, aimed at recruiting the dead to one cause or another. The story of their life becomes reduced to a morality tale whose conclusion is whatever positions the author holds dear today.

Come to your planet’s rescue.


Hearing or reading about ecology or our natural environment isn’t an exciting proposition for most of us. The inevitable emphasis on destruction and likely catastrophe isn’t what we want to face into when our day-to-day lives are already tough enough. Graham Purchase in this book never dwells too long on the possible or likely results of centuries of disregard for ecology in the pursuit of profits, resources and land.

On the road with an Irish pirate


While it can be hard to come across political documents that inspire, entertain and amuse, Ramor Ryan‘s Clandestines succeeds in doing just that. Some may know Ryan from his articles in “We Are Everywhere” and “Confronting Capitalism” but Clandestines is his first published book. It is, for the main part, a travel diary and a readable mixture of personal memoir and political essay written over his many years as an anarchist activist. The book covers his journeys to a broad gamut of societies in struggle, from Berlin to Northern Ireland, Nicaragua to Turkey and many places in between.

Malatesta's denken over het anarchisme


Freedom Press, Londen 1965. Samengesteld en geredigeerd door Vernon Richards.

Dit boek dient als een introductie tot Malatesta's denken over het
anarchisme. En het is ook zeer helder denken. Je kunt het er mee eens
zijn of het er niet mee eens zijn, maar je zult niet je hoofd pijnigen door
te proberen een lading van jargon te ontcijferen.

NO LOGO, di Naomi Klein


La pubblicazione di questo libro è stata perfettamente, anche se non volutamente, tempestiva. Non si erano ancora spenti gli spot mediatici sulle manifestazioni di Seattle del 30 novembre 1999, che usciva il libro a spiegare molte delle ragioni di quel movimento. Ed anche se la Klein ha chiarito che lei non è una portavoce ufficiale del movimento e che questo movimento non ha portavoce ufficiali, il libro ha dato molte risposte ad osservatori ed anche a manifestanti che si stavano chiedendo cosa stava accadendo.

Peter Kropotkins Meisterstueck: Die Eroberung des Brotes


Die Eroberung des Brotes ist als Aufruf an das gemeine Volk gedacht, dem sozialistische Ideen neu sind, und nicht zur Befriedigung des Appetits nach dilettantischen Diskussionen zwischen AktivistInnen.

Το DVD διατίθεται ταχυδρομικά


Τα 73 λεπτά της διάρκειας το φιλμ, με συνεντεύξεις και έμφαση στα κυριότερα σημεία της απεργίας αυτής. Ο προφανής κίνδυνος που υπάρχει για κάθε ντοκουμέντο που παράγεται από μια πολιτική οργάνωση είναι μπορεί εύκολα να μεταβληθεί σε μέσο προπαγάνδας με σκοπό το όφελος της όποιας οργάνωσης. Αλλά με το DVD αυτό, δεν συμβαίνει κάτι τέτοιο. Για πάνω από ένα χρόνο Τούρκοι εργαζόμενοι έχουν αρχίσει ένα αγώνα ενάντια στην πολυεθνική κατασκευαστική εταιρία Gama για να αναγκαστεί να αυξήσει τους μισθούς, να βελτιώσει τις συνθήκες εργασίας και να πετύχει την αποπληρωμή των χρημάτων που πάρθηκαν από τους μισθούς τους και κατατέθηκαν σε ξένη τράπεζα χωρίς να το γνωρίζουν οι ίδιοι οι εργαζόμενοι.

Review: Clandestines: the pirate journals of an Irish Exile'


At this point in time it is a rare and welcome event when a book by an Irish activist is published and rarer still when a book by an Irish anti-capitalist writer receives widespread praise and acclaim. Clandestines: the Pirate journals of an Irish Exile, which has received a slew of positive reviews following it?s publication in the US by AK Press, is just such a rarity, and as it is being launched in Ireland this week means readers here will soon be able to make their own appraisal of the book.

Review: The GAMA Strike DVD


For almost a year Turkish workers at the multi-national construction company Gama waged a struggle to secure trade union rates of pay, improved working conditions and to reclaim wages which had been siphoned from their pay packets and placed in foreign bank accounts opened in their names but without their knowledge. A co-production by the Socialist Party and Frameworks Films, “The Gama Strike: A victory for all workers” is an attempt to document and highlight the exploitation and subsequent struggle faced by the Turkish workers.

Review: Caliban and the Witch


Silvia Federici’s “Caliban and the Witch; Women, The Body and Primitive Accumulation” does a fantastic job of taking the feminist analysis of the body and re-conceptualizing it within a class struggle understanding of history. She fills in the blanks that a traditional left analysis has missed, including the concepts of difference, women, race and the body. This work is very important, allowing feminists and socialists alike to realize that identity and class struggle are not polar opposite theoretical understandings

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